Cat magazine

In our cat magazineyou will find useful information about nutrition, illnesses, and keeping and caring of cats. Furthermore, there are valuable tips for first-time cat owners on how to deal with the new four-legged family member.

All articles

My cat isn't drinking enough
Cat nutrition

My cat isn't drinking enough

Most cat owners know the problem: cats often tend to drink too little. However, keeping hydrated is… 
Ticks on cats
Cat health

Ticks on cats

Cats that are allowed outside should be checked regularly for ticks. Because the longer the parasites… 
Feeding kittens - nutrition tips

Feeding kittens - nutrition tips

Kittens develop extremely quickly. This is why you need a special kitten food that provides them with… 
Katze isst Eis
DIY ideas for cats

Our refreshing ice cream for cats

What could be more enjoyable than relaxing on a hot summer’s day with a cold ice cream? Your cat will… 
Katze mit Umzugskartons
Everyday life with a cat

Moving home with your cat

Not only for us is moving home a stressful experience. This is also true for cats. We will show you how… 
Katze frisst
Cat nutrition

Dry or wet food – what should I feed my cat?

Dry food, wet food or both? Find out about the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of… 
Neutering for male and female cats
Cat health

Neutering for male and female cats

Neutering (also known as spaying for female cats and castration for male cats) not only prevents… 
Katzen streiten sich
Cat training

When cats no longer get on

Occasional fights in a multi-cat household are perfectly normal. However, if the behaviour persists,… 
Zwei Kitten liegen auf dem Boden

Training kittens

Kittens cannot be trained like dogs, but a certain amount of training is nevertheless possible and… 
Moulting in cats
Cat health

Moulting in cats

Cats moult twice a year. During this process, cat owners should provide their pet with support.  
Katze frisst aus dem Napf
Cat nutrition

Feeding your cat

A species-appropriate diet has a major impact on a cat's health. Here, we will provide you with a few… 
Frau mit Katze
Cat nutrition

Good cat food

Cat owners rightly wonder how to recognise a good cat food. Here are some tips to help you choose.… 
Nutrition for older cats
Cat nutrition

Nutrition for older cats

A cat’s nutritional requirements change over the course of its life. In addition to the different… 
Katze mit Lichterkette
Everyday life with a cat

New Year’s Eve with your cat

A lot of cats are afraid of the sound of fireworks. There are, however, a number of ways to reduce… 
Katze mit Katzenangel
DIY ideas for cats

Make your own cat fishing rod toy

Cats love it when their owners take the time to play with them – for example, with a cat “fishing rod”.… 
Kidney problems in cats
Cat health

Kidney problems in cats

The kidneys cleanse the blood of harmful substances and help to remove nitrogen. If a cat has problems… 
Urinary tract stones in cats
Cat health

Urinary tract stones in cats

Urinary tract stones occur in cats in a broad variety of sizes. Even the smallest, semolina grain-sized… 
Epilepsy in cats
Cat health

Epilepsy in cats

Cats can also develop epilepsy. Although such seizures are generally not as serious as they look, the… 
Cats' eyes
Cat health

Cats' eyes

Healthy eyes are important for a cat. If any changes or problems arise, consult a vet in good time as… 
Allergies in cats
Cat health

Allergies in cats

It is not only humans who get allergies - cats can also be affected. It is often difficult to determine… 
Katze isst aus dem Futternapf
Cat nutrition

Storing cat food

Cats place high demands on their food. Not only the composition of the food, but also its hygienic… 
Blood pressure in cats
Cat health

Blood pressure in cats

Measuring a cat’s blood pressure from time to time provides information on how efficient the heart is… 
Frau mit Kitten auf dem Arm

A kitten is moving in

Before a kitten moves in, you should prepare your home for the new family member. We will show you what… 
Katze sitzt auf einem Bett
Cat training

My cat isn’t sleeping

Cats are crepuscular creatures, which means they are most active at dusk and dawn. Their sleep schedule… 
Fleas in cats
Cat health

Fleas in cats

There is always a risk that cats will catch fleas, especially when the weather is warm. An owner… 
Diabetes in cats
Cat health

Diabetes in cats

Cats can also suffer from elevated levels of glucose in the blood i.e. diabetes mellitus. If the cat… 
Struvite stones in cats
Cat health

Struvite stones in cats

Struvite stones, which are made up of magnesium-ammonium-phosphate, often lead to illness in cats. A… 
Cat scratching itself
Cat health

Cat scratching itself

If a cat scratches itself frequently and its skin or fur have changed, you should determine the cause.… 
Excess weight in cats
Cat health

Excess weight in cats

If a cat is overweight, it not only affects its general vitality - it can also cause real health… 
Food allergies in cats
Cat health

Food allergies in cats

A food allergy is a reaction to food in which the immune system does not function normally. The body… 
Tooth problems in cats
Cat health

Tooth problems in cats

From teething and tartar to tooth fractures, cats can experience a broad range of tooth problems. From… 
Katze am Strand
Everyday life with a cat

Taking your cat with you on holiday

Cats are creatures of habit. This is why most cats will not particularly enjoy going on holiday with… 
Cat diarrhoea
Cat health

Cat diarrhoea

Diarrhoea is quite common in cats. Mild cases of diarrhoea often go away on their own. If, however, the… 
Katze liegt
DIY ideas for cats

Make your own activity fun board for cats

An activity fun board provides cats with a fun and meaningful way to occupy themselves. It is easy to… 
Abessinier Katze läuft durch Gras
Cat breeds

Abyssinian cat

The Abyssinian cat is very elegant and has a fascinating coat: each individual hair is banded with… 
Taurine for cats
Cat nutrition

Taurine for cats

Taurine is an essential nutrient for cats that is crucial for their health and wellbeing. Cats, unlike… 
Balinese cat
Cat breeds

Balinese cat

The Balinese cat is a long-haired variant of the Siamese cat. The two breeds share a high level of… 
Katze beim Tierarzt
Cat training

My cat is scared of going to the vet

Although it is not uncommon for cats to feel anxious when visiting the vet, some simple precautionary… 
Cat nutrition

Calcium and phosphorus for cats

There are many nutrients that play a crucial role in the health of cats. These include calcium and… 
Feeding cats with health conditions
Cat health

Feeding cats with health conditions

They say that the way to someone’s heart is through their stomach. If your cat is ill, what it eats… 
drei Katzen auf einer Wiese
Everyday life with a cat

Territorial behaviour of cats

Territorial behaviour is not only normal in cats that are allowed outside, but can also be seen in… 
Bengal cat
Cat breeds

Bengal cat

Not only does the Bengal cat resemble a wild cat, it is also descended from one. However, as a result… 
British Shorthair
Cat breeds

British Shorthair

The British Shorthair, also known as the British Blue cat, was originally an ordinary domestic cat.… 
Katze liegt auf dem Boden und streckt sich
Cat training

How to stop a cat from scratching

Scratch marks on wallpaper, sofas and carpets do not go down well with cat owners. We will help you… 
Katze im Bett
Cat health

Common allergies in cats

If your cat scratches its face or neck to the point where it loses fur or bleeds, this may be due to an… 
Katze auf dem Sofa
Everyday life with a cat

Understanding and learning cat language

The cat language in the communication between cats and humans consists mainly of sounds. Among… 
British Longhair
Cat breeds

British Longhair

The British Longhair evolved from the British Shorthair and has almost exactly the same breed standard.… 
Katze liegt auf dem Boden mit Spielzeug
Everyday life with a cat

Keeping cats occupied

Indoor cats encounter fewer stimuli than cats that are allowed outside. They should therefore be kept… 
Katze liegt auf dem Sofa
Cat health

Stomach problems in cats

An upset stomach is common in cats. The symptoms include vomiting and diarrhoea. The problems usually… 
Katze guckt nach oben
Cat health

Cat first aid kit

In the everyday life of a cat, you can always expect both minor and major emergencies from time to… 
Cat breeds


The Burmese is a very energetic, curious and playful breed of cat. It loves action and plenty of… 
Kind und Katze am Fenster
Everyday life with a cat

Cats in winter

Most cats like it warm and dry. The cold time of year is therefore unpleasant for many cats that are… 
Katze auf einer Wiese
Everyday life with a cat

Getting your cat used to being outdoors

Cats that are allowed outside are able to use their natural instincts, for example sneaking up and… 
Zwei Katzen auf einer Wiese
Everyday life with a cat

Getting cats used to each other

The better a match two cats are regarding their character, the easier it will be for them to get used… 
What should cats never eat?
Cat health

What should cats never eat?

Cats are choosy animals, but sometimes curiosity simply wins them over. This is why intolerable foods… 
Cat breeds


The Chartreux is one of the world’s oldest breeds of cat. Fans of these “blue” cats are particularly… 
Cornish Rex
Cat breeds

Cornish Rex

Thanks to a whim of nature and some dedicated breeders, we have the Cornish Rex. This curly-haired cat… 
Eine graue Katze liegt auf dem Boden
Everyday life with a cat

Leaving your cat on its own

Most cats can easily be left alone for a few hours. However, when it comes to regular and/or longer… 
Katze guckt nach oben
Cat health

Your cat’s ears

The ears of a cat are highly sensitive and ideal for hunting. However, cats who are allowed outdoors… 
Devon Rex
Cat breeds

Devon Rex

What makes the Devon Rex special is its fine, curly hair. Besides this, it is a very playful and… 
European Shorthair
Cat breeds

European Shorthair

The European Shorthair is the pure breed of the normal domestic short-haired cat. The two often differ… 
Katze liegt auf einem Bett
Cat health

Deworming of cats

Cats are constantly at risk of becoming infected with worms. How often a cat should receive a treatment… 
Cat breeds


The Birman is not only in its appearance a perfect mixture of a Persian and a Siamese cat. Its… 
Katze zeigt zaehne
Cat health

Dental care for cats

An alarming number of cats have bad breath, inflammation of the gums, plaque or tartar. In an… 
Main Coon
Cat breeds

Main Coon

The Maine Coon is one of the largest and most popular breeds of cat in the world. From the tip of their… 
Norwegian Forest cat
Cat breeds

Norwegian Forest cat

The Norwegian Forest cat is one of the most impressive breeds of cat. It can reach a length of 130… 
Cat breeds


The characteristic feature of this beautiful breed of cat is its spots. They give the Ocicat a “wild”… 
Paw care for cats
Cat health

Paw care for cats

Cats usually take care of their paws themselves. There are, however, a number of situations in which… 
Oriental Shorthair
Cat breeds

Oriental Shorthair

The Oriental Shorthair is descended from the Siamese cat. Unlike the Siamese, it has green eyes and a… 
Katze beim Tierarzt
Cat health

Having your cat vaccinated

Kittens should be given a number of vaccinations at an early age in order to build up good protection.… 
Persian cat
Cat breeds

Persian cat

No other breed of cat has such long fur as the Persian cat. This does, of course, require quite a lot… 
Katze liegt auf einem Bett
Cat health

Cat flu

Cat flu is characterised by, among other things, watery eyes and frequent sneezing. The best protection… 
Cat breeds


The Ragdoll is one of the world’s largest breeds of cat. It is, however, also one of the breeds with… 
Russian Blue
Cat breeds

Russian Blue

Russian Blue cats are somewhat reserved at first, however as soon as they have gained confidence, they… 
Selkirk Rex
Cat breeds

Selkirk Rex

The Selkirk Rex is a curly-haired cat with a luxurious coat. Like all Rex cats, it is the result of a… 
Katze schaut aus dem Fenster
Cat health

Bladder infections in cats

A bladder infection (also known as “cystitis”) in a cat can have a number of causes and can be very… 
Siamese Cat
Cat breeds

Siamese Cat

If you are looking for a slim short-haired cat, the Siamese is the ideal choice. You should, however,… 
Katze vor einem Napf
Cat health

Constipation in cats

The cause of constipation in cats can be, among other things, hairballs, obesity, stress, or an… 
Siberian cat
Cat breeds

Siberian cat

The Siberian cat is a naturally evolved breed of cat from the far north. It is very confident and… 
Turkish Angora
Cat breeds

Turkish Angora

In former times, this long-haired beauty from Turkey was only available to sultans, but today anyone… 
Turkish Van
Cat breeds

Turkish Van

Some breeds of cat are almost impossible to tell apart. However, the spirited and highly active Turkish…