Everyday life with a cat: Tips for living with your feline friend

Your cat likes variety but also wants to have routine in its daily life: In addition to having fixed feeding times, your pet likes you to play with it on a regular basis and also needs to be cuddled. Here you can find out everything you need to know about everyday life with a cat!

Moving home with your cat
Everyday life with a cat

Moving home with your cat

Not only for us is moving home a stressful experience. This is also true for cats. We will show you how… 
New Year’s Eve with your cat
Everyday life with a cat

New Year’s Eve with your cat

A lot of cats are afraid of the sound of fireworks. There are, however, a number of ways to reduce… 
Taking your cat with you on holiday
Everyday life with a cat

Taking your cat with you on holiday

Cats are creatures of habit. This is why most cats will not particularly enjoy going on holiday with… 
drei Katzen auf einer Wiese
Everyday life with a cat

Territorial behaviour of cats

Territorial behaviour is not only normal in cats that are allowed outside, but can also be seen in… 
Katze auf dem Sofa
Everyday life with a cat

Understanding and learning cat language

The cat language in the communication between cats and humans consists mainly of sounds. Among… 
Katze liegt auf dem Boden mit Spielzeug
Everyday life with a cat

Keeping cats occupied

Indoor cats encounter fewer stimuli than cats that are allowed outside. They should therefore be kept… 
Cats in winter
Everyday life with a cat

Cats in winter

Most cats like it warm and dry. The cold time of year is therefore unpleasant for many cats that are… 
Katze auf einer Wiese
Everyday life with a cat

Getting your cat used to being outdoors

Cats that are allowed outside are able to use their natural instincts, for example sneaking up and… 
Getting cats used to each other
Everyday life with a cat

Getting cats used to each other

The better a match two cats are regarding their character, the easier it will be for them to get used… 
Eine graue Katze liegt auf dem Boden
Everyday life with a cat

Leaving your cat on its own

Most cats can easily be left alone for a few hours. However, when it comes to regular and/or longer…