Daily routine with dogs
A regular daily routine is important for both puppies and adult dogs. It makes them feel safe, calm and relaxed. This is what a typical daily routine might look like.

Daily routine with a puppy
The daily routine of a puppy is very different from that of an adult dog. This is noticeable in, for example, the amount of sleep they need each day: while puppies need 20 to 22 hours of sleep, adult dogs require around 16 to 18 hours. These periods of rest are important for a dog to be able to process what it has experienced and to recharge its batteries. This is why you should always let your puppy sleep for as long as it needs to. Following every sleep session, your pet should have the opportunity to relieve itself. For a puppy, this can amount to five to ten visits to the toilet, whereas three will often be enough for an adult dog. There are similar differences when it comes to feeding: In the first months of their lives, puppies need food around four times a day. When they are five months old, you can switch to feeding them three times daily. Most adult dogs, on the other hand, need to be fed just twice a day.
Sleeping and eating take up a lot of time – but puppies are all the more active when they are awake. They like to romp around and play, discover new things, perhaps get to meet other puppies, and form a close bond with their owners. Help your little friend with this and take plenty of time, because this is the formative socialisation phase. During this period, the puppy should never feel overwhelmed, but should still have the opportunity to get to know as many new things as possible. The more multifaceted their preparation for life is, the easier it will be for them later on.
Daily routine for an adult dog
Some dog owners let their dog into the garden or take it for a short morning walk before the first meal of the day. Others give their dog its food first before setting off on a longer walk. Depending on how urgently the dog needs to go outside in the morning, either way might work best for you and your pet. If you will be leaving your dog alone at home afterwards, the walk should be as long and interesting as possible. The more your pet has exerted itself, the easier it will be for it to then be left alone at home. When it has got used to being alone, an adult dog can be left on its own for up to four to five hours at a time. A longer period should, however, always be avoided.
After resting in the morning, your dog will be happy to have a little variety in the afternoon. Set aside plenty of time every day for playing together, going for walks, grooming or simply having a cuddle. Dogs are very social animals, which is why closeness and affection are just as important for them as having enough activity. You do not always have to be present here. When you are away, your four-legged friend will enjoy a chew bone or an intelligence toy. In the late afternoon or evening it will be time for your dog’s second meal. They should then have a rest before going for another walk to nicely round off the day.
Is it possible to have a dog if you have to go to work?
For a dog, it would be best if it could spend the whole day together with its owner. Even though it would occasionally withdraw to a secluded place, the dog would still know that someone was always there for it. However, it would also be happy to accompany its owner to work. But this is not always possible. More and more companies are, however, now allowing people to take their dogs into the office with them. This is, of course, only possible if the dog is very well behaved.
Otherwise, the only option is to gradually get your dog used to being left on its own. You should start doing this while your dog is still growing. Start by leaving your pet alone for just a few minutes and then gradually increase the length of time. In this way, a dog can learn to remain on its own for several hours at a time. If you have to work the whole day, it is important that you come home for at least an hour at lunchtime to walk your dog. Or alternatively, you could arrange for a dog sitter.

When is the best time to feed my dog?
With an adult dog, you have several options. Some dog owners choose to feed their pets just once a day. Only one meal per day is, however, not recommended for large dogs, because they would need to eat an enormous amount of food. This not only means that the digestive organs have to process large quantities in a short time, but also increases the risk of gastric torsion. It is therefore best to divide your dog’s daily ration into at least two or three portions. This can be especially helpful for older dogs or those with digestive problems.
With a puppy, it is important that you adapt your daily routine to meet the needs of your young pet. They are not yet able to stay alone for several hours or to go without their food for a prolonged period of time. The younger a puppy is, the more frequently it needs food: Until it is 5 months of age, the puppy should be fed four to five times a day. From the age of five months, it can then gradually be reduced to three meals daily, and when it is at least six to seven months old, two meals a day will suffice. Growing dogs require a balanced complete food for young dogs that provides the little ones with all the essential nutrients they need. As soon as your dog is fully grown, you should switch to a complete adult food. You will thus ensure that your pet is always fed in a way that is appropriate for its age.
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