Dog health for fit four-legged friends

Everything you need to know about your dog‘s health: From allergies to diabetes – we explain the different symptoms of illnesses in dogs and also give you tips on what you can do to quickly get your four-legged friend fit and healthy again. 

Hund liegt unter einer Decke
Dog health

When a dog has a cold

Just like us, dogs can catch a cold. The typical symptoms include coughing, purulent nasal discharge,… 
Hund mit Dental Sticks
Dog health

Dental care for dogs

80 per cent of all dogs over the age of three have dental problems. In this interview, veterinarian Dr.… 
Hund auf einer Wiese
Dog health

Insect stings and bites in dogs

When a dog has been stung by an insect, it will often give out a sudden yelp, lick the affected area… 
Dog health

A dog’s ears

The ears are a dog’s second most important sensory organ. Like its nose, they are highly sensitive… 
Dog health

Deworming for dogs

Unfortunately, there is no vaccination against worms. Dogs are therefore constantly under threat from… 
Hund auf einer Wiese
Dog health

Dog isn't drinking enough

There are a number of reasons for dogs not drinking enough. Here, we list the most common causes and… 
Hund in der Natur
Dog health

Back problems in dogs

Back problems are relatively common in dogs. They can be very painful, so they should be identified and… 
Hund liegt unter einer Decke
Dog health

Poisoning in dogs

If your dog has been poisoned, it is important to act fast. Find out how to quickly recognise the… 
Hund liegt auf dem Sofa
Dog health

Dry nose

Many people believe that a dog’s nose should always be wet and cold. However, there is no need to… 
Dog health

A dog’s nose

A dog’s nose is a real high performance instrument. With its help, dogs are not only able to track down… 
An exclusion diet for your dog
Dog health

An exclusion diet for your dog

Does your dog tend to scratch itself, does its skin show any obvious changes, and are you wondering… 
Hund in einer Wiese
Dog health

Removing ticks from dogs

If you spot a tick on your dog, you should remove it as soon as possible. This will reduce the risk of… 
Hund liegt auf einem Teppich
Dog health

Dog diarrhoea

Diarrhoea is relatively common in dogs. Mild diarrhoea often goes away by itself. However, if the… 
Frau mit Hund
Dog health

What things should a dog never eat?

Most dogs show great interest when something is being cooked in the kitchen. They should never be given… 
Hund zeigt Zähne
Dog health

Dental problems in dogs

From the change of teeth to tartar and tooth fractures, dogs can experience a wide range of dental… 
Hund liegt auf einer Wiese mit einem Ball
Dog health

Excess weight in dogs

If a dog is carrying excess weight, this not only affects its general vitality - it can also cause… 
Hund beim Tierarzt
Dog health

Gastric torsion in dogs

Large, deep-chested breeds of dogs are particularly susceptible to life-threatening gastric torsion.… 
Hund trinkt aus einem Napf
Dog health

Renal insufficiency in dogs

If a dog has problems urinating, it can be a sign of chronic renal insufficiency. Conditions affecting… 
Hund liegt auf einer Wiese
Dog health

If your dog is limping

If your dog shows signs of pain in joints or muscles, limps, or is not using any of its legs, this is… 
Hund kratzt sich
Dog health

When a dog is scratching itself

If a dog scratches itself frequently and its skin or fur have changed, or if it has open wounds, you… 
Hund liegt auf einer Wiese
Dog health

Signs of illness in dogs

As the owner, you are generally the first to notice when your dog shows signs of illness. These can… 
Hund kratzt sich
Dog health

Fleas in dogs

There is always a risk that dogs will catch fleas when the weather is warm. An owner wishing to spare… 
Hund liegt aus dem Bett
Dog health

Fever in dogs

Fever is a common sign of illness in dogs. By using a thermometer you can measure your dog’s current… 
Hund liegt auf einer Wiese
Dog health

Epilepsy in dogs

Dogs can also develop epilepsy. Although such seizures are generally not as serious as they look, the… 
Zwei Hunde liegen auf dem Boden
Dog health

Diabetes in dogs

Dogs can also suffer from elevated levels of glucose in the blood i.e. diabetes mellitus. If the early… 
Hund schaut aus dem Fenster
Dog health

Cushing’s syndrome

One of the most common hormonal imbalances is the over-functioning of the adrenal cortex, known as… 
Hund auf einem Baumstamm
Dog health

Lyme disease in dogs

Lyme disease (Lyme borreliosis) is an infectious disease transferred by ticks. In addition to game and… 
Hund liegt auf dem Boden
Dog health

Blood pressure in dogs

Measuring a dog’s blood pressure from time to time provides information on how efficient the heart is… 
Hund auf einer Wiese
Dog health

Dogs' eyes

Healthy eyes are important for a dog. If any changes or problems arise, consult a vet as soon as… 
Hund liegt auf einer Wiese
Dog health

Allergies in dogs

Dogs, like humans, can also get allergies. It is often difficult to determine the cause of an allergic… 
Hund beim Tierarzt
Dog health

Vaccinations for dogs

Prevention is better than cure - this is also true for infectious diseases. There are effective… 
Hund auf einer Wiese
Dog health

Moulting in dogs

It is easy to imagine why dogs lose their thick winter coat in spring. After all, dogs hardly sweat at…